How to View Unpaid Sales

To keep a healthy cash flow, it is always important to follow up on all unpaid sales to ensure there is enough money to run your business operations.

In the Oze app, the filter feature is the tool to help you view, paid, unpaid, and partially paid transactions. To view all unpaid sales, kindly click on the hamburger menu  ☰ on the homepage 

  1. Click on Transactions
  2. Click on the Filter icon between the search icon and 3 dots at the top right 
  3. Click on Sales
  4. Scroll down to payment status and click on Not paid
  5. Click on Apply Filter
  6. All unpaid transactions will appear on your screen
  7. Click on any of the transactions to get further details

Congratulations, you have successfully filtered out all unpaid transactions, let's recover all the cash out there

NB: Always remember to clear the filter by clicking on the ‘x‘ by the ‘filter applied’ button to restore the screen to all transactions