How to Manage Your Order List

Orders are the live blood to your business Whenever a customer makes a purchase on your Oze shop, it is listed in your order list for your convenience. The order list shows both old and new orders that have taken place in your shop.

To manage your order list, follow these steps:

On the home page 

  1. Click on the hamburger menu ☰
  2. Click on Oze shop
  3. Your Oze shop screen will open and you will see the total sales you have made, your products that are published on the shop as well as your Oze shop link. 
  4. Click on Orders to the right of Products and a list of orders will appear to view.
  5. You can click on an item to view the order details:
    1. Order Status
    2. Item purchased
    3. Customer details (phone number)
    4. Shipping address
    5. Payment status
  6. To mark a new order as completed or fulfilled, click on the
    1. Click on Mark as Completed.
      1. Marking an item as completed simply means that the item has been delivered to the customer and the customer is happy.
    2. Generate a receipt and share it with the customer.

Congratulations!!! You have successfully managed your order list.