Apply for a Loan: How to Verify Your Account

Verifying your Oze account is part of the requirements needed to be prequalified for a loan.


Verification Level One - Done before applying for a loan

On the home page:

  1. Click on the “Apply for Loan” button
  2. Type in your full name
  3. Provide your date of birth
  4. Type in your phone number
  5. Type in your mobile money number
  6. Click on the Submit button below to submit the above details for verification
  7. You will receive a pop-up to confirm your verification
  8. Click on the “Apply for Loan” button on the home page


To verify your account, kindly follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the hamburger menu at the top left side of your screen
  2. Click on settings
  3. Under ‘Personal’ click on Account Limits
  4. Click on Upgrade Oze Account
  5. Confirm if your business is registered or not then click on continue
  6. Click on Upgrade to Level 2 to proceed
  7. Click the arrow on the right to take a selfie
  8. Click on Take a picture
  9. Click on the Allow button
  10. Move your face closer to the Oval Circle until it turns blue, then smile
  11. To proceed, click Yes, use this one
  12. Place your camera over your ID to capture your face on the ID
  13. Click the tick icon in the circle to proceed
  14. You will receive a notification to confirm your account is verified

Congrats!! You are now ready to apply for a loan