To search for details of sales or expenses recorded in the past, the filter feature is the tool for this assignment.
Step 1
On the home page
- Click on the hamburger menu ☰
- Click on Transactions
- On your transaction screen, you can search for transactions by the following parameters:
- Type (Sales or Expense)
- Category
- Payment status (Paid, Partially paid or Unpaid)
- Date (Today, Yesterday, This week, etc.)
- Delivery status (Delivered or Not Delivered)
Step 2
- Filter transaction type by selecting Sales or Expenses and tapping on APPLY button.
- Filter transactions by Category by selecting the particular category you want to capture. Click on the APPLY button.
- Select a start date period in which the transactions were recorded to filter by date. Click on the apply button.
- Select payment status by either clicking on Paid, Partially Paid, or Unpaid if you want to search for transactions under a specific payment status. Click on Apply.
- You can also filter for transactions based on their delivery status.
- The transaction dashboard will show the specific transactions under the parameters you have selected.
- To close a filter, always remember to click on Clear Filter button to release the filter in order to view all your transactions.
Congratulations transactions filtered successfully.