Transactions that are neither fully paid nor partially paid should always be recorded with payment status set as Unpaid. Always remember to turn on the notification reminder to alert your customer to make full payment
On the home page click on Add Sale
Step 1. Add Item details
- Select the transaction date
- Under items, type the item name and click on the hyperlink to submit the item name
- Ensure the Selling price and quantity sold are correct
- Click on Receive Payment
Step 2. Add Payment details
- Type 0.00 under Amount Customer Paid
- Select the payment method
- Select payment due date
- Click reminder button to get notifications to contact customer
- Select preferred date to receive reminder
- Click on Add customer button
Step 3. Add customer details
- Add customer’s contact from your phone by clicking onSelect customer from contacts
- You can also type customer’s details manually by filling the Buyer’s name field and typing the buyer’s contact in the phone number field
- Click on Save
- Your transaction should be displayed in the transaction queue with payment status displayed as Unpaid
Congrats, unpaid transaction recorded successfully.
The steps above are displayed in the infographics below:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3